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Tips for Teaching Creation & the Fall

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In a previous post we considered how teachers’ view of Genesis 1 – 3 can affect their teaching — adversely, if they hold to evolution instead of creation. Now we want to suppose that the Bible teachers hold to the literal, historical account of creation and provide some tips for teaching about creation and the fall of man.

Whether laying the foundation with preschoolers, helping school aged students process what they are learning in school, or re-educating adults who have been taught evolution as scientific theory rather than merely a belief system, Bible teachers need to keep pointing students to our Creator God. They need to help them develop a biblical worldview.

Tips for Bible Teachers About Teaching on Creation and the Fall

  1. Make it age appropriate by thinking through the amount of details, visualizing versus theorizing, types or depth of questions, and how much science to bring into the lesson.
  1. Watch your language in how you present it. We often refer to the account of creation as the “creation story.” Could such terminology be adding into the idea that it is simply a myth?
  1. Get beyond teaching the details about creation to looking at the God behind it. Remember that Genesis 1:1 starts with, “In the beginning GOD.”
  1. Emphasize how it does take faith (Heb. 11:3) to believe creation, but it also takes just as much faith, if not more faith, to believe in evolution when you take a serious look at it.
  1. Use the Bible to teach about creation but also show the scientific support. If you don’t have this knowledge, co-teach with someone who does or use a video or book for help.
  1. Don’t avoid the topic of evolution just because you don’t know how to refute it or are afraid you won’t know how to answer students’ questions. Be willing to admit that you don’t have all the answers and will research if possible. Keep in mind that there are lots of things we don’t understand yet believe.
  1. Help students understand some of the key differences between evolution and creation that affect their worldview.
  • Evolution views people as little more than animals whereas creation makes them special, created in the image of God.
  • Evolution leaves people with no real purpose whereas creation gives meaning and purpose to life.
  • Evolution leads to a survival of the fittest approach to life whereas creation puts value on all.

You might find a chart like the one below found in one of our affiliate stores to compare popular origins beliefs.

Creation - Origins Beliefs Chart

  1. Keep discussion from turning into heated debate. Always pursue peace and love in how the class relates with one another. Remember, you may not turn around skeptics with reasoning but experiencing godly reactions might make them more open.
  1. Pray, pray, and pray some more for students as they go out in the world and face belief systems in opposition to God and His Word. Pray they come to truly know and love God so much that they take Him at His Word even if they do not fully understand.

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