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Accountable Bible Teachers


Diligent in Handling Word of Truth2 Timothy 2:15 contains more than an exhortation for what Bible teachers should do. This verse also points to qualities that will be found in a person who accurately handles the Word. “Do your best” suggests diligence. The next phrase “to present yourself to God” might suggest someone with a sense of personal accountability. Notice how the person takes the initiative to present himself to God.

The Greek Word used in this phrase comes from “para” which means by, near, or beside and “histemi” which is to set, place or stand. Hence, in presenting ourselves to God, we are putting ourselves before God. This is the same word used in Romans 12:1 where we are told to “offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God” as an act of worship.

Hence, in presenting ourselves to God,

we want to honor Him, to please Him;
we want to yield to Him, to be used by Him.

Signs We Teach as Accountable to God

  1.  We teach for Him, not for ourselves and how it will make us feel. It’s not about what we get from it but the honor we give to Him when we accurately represent Him.
  2. We teach for Him, not because it’s what we or somebody else wants us to do. It’s not about pleasing ourselves or someone else but being used by Him in ways that adequately promote Him and who He is.
  3. We teach for Him, not for the applause of others. It’s not about what others think but being motivated by what God desires which includes correctly handling His Word.

When we have first presented ourselves to God, how we handle the Word in our teaching isn’t dependent on others seeing what we do. We do our best in teaching to correctly teach the Word with or without supervision for we are doing it as one accountable to God.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters (Col. 3:23)

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? (Gal. 1:10)

so we speak, not to please man, but to please God who tests our hearts. (1 Thess. 2:4)

Questions for Bible teachers:

  • Do you have to be prodded in order to adequately prepare and present Bible lessons or are you motivated to do what is proper before God?
  • Do you need the approval of others or do you look to God as one accountable first and foremost to Him?

6 Replies to “Accountable Bible Teachers”

  1. Lovely stuff. I want to be the bible teacher God intends me to be. May God help me. I need to go to bible school. Also may God provide a way for me. Amen

    • How good that you desire to be an effective Bible teacher, Kaitare Augustine. I’m glad you are taking time to learn what you can now. There is so much that you can learn without going to Bible school. I pray you will continue to avail yourself of training freely provided through the Internet, like on the site and others as well.

        • Praise God you want to be an effective Bible teacher, Phineas Makhubedu. Without knowing more about you, it’s difficult to suggest where to start. If you are new to teaching, let me suggest you look at the points listed in an article already on the site under the section, What new Bible teachers should know before they begin (clicking on the link will take you to that article). There are some resources you can order to learn more about each of those points, but you can also find help in the Training Resources looking for those topics in the list of categories. Most important to being a “successful” Bible teacher is to do it with the wisdom and power God provides through His Spirit.

  2. does the verses you quote: Gal. 1:10, Colo. 3:23 and 1Thes. 2:4 mean that we should not submit to our Church leaders? coz as you say we are not men pleaser but God?

    • You ask a good question, Fernando Amarillo. As in any interpretation of Scripture, we must take the whole of Scripture into account and interpret Scripture with Scripture. Elsewhere we’re told to submit to those in authority (parents – Eph. 6:1, government – Rom. 13:1-7, those that lead in the Church – 1 Pet. 5:1-6). Since our objective is to please God in all things, that includes obeying the commands to submit to and honor those in authority. However, because we are first and foremost accountable to God, we obviously would not do something our leaders ask of us if it is contrary to the direct commands of God in His Word.

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