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Classroom Set-Up: Effectively Using the Facilities


The well-known Serenity Prayer speaks of changing the things you can, having serenity in dealing with what can’t be changed, and having wisdom to know the difference.  This concept can be applied to teachers in their classroom set-up.

Set-up of ClassroomsThings they usually can’t change:
size of room, location of room, color of walls & flooring

Things they usually can change:
decor, keeping it clutter-free & clean, furniture arrangement

Even in less than ideal settings, there are usually things teachers can do to make their rooms more conducive to learning.  Stress the importance of teachers doing what they can.

Why It’s Important for Teachers to Pay Attention to Classroom Set-Up

Effectively using the classroom is important for at least the following reasons:

Teacher Training Resources: Classroom Set-Up


2 Replies to “Classroom Set-Up: Effectively Using the Facilities”

    • Usually a teacher cannot control the type of lights or heating/cooling system in the church. However, even in that, teachers can make changes to make it more conducive. If there is a glare, try rearranging seating to move out from its direct path. If lighting is insufficient, consider bringing in floor lamps. It is is too cold in the room, bring in a space heater or have blankets available for children’s classes. If it is too warm, bring in a fan, open some windows, or hold class outside under a shaded area if possible. Ideally a church would fix the problem or provide the additional resources needed, but that doesn’t always happen. A teacher might have to go the extra mile. Word of Caution: If teaching a children’s class, particularly younger children, think about safety with any extra lighting, fans, or heaters you might want to use.

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