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Prepare But Expect the Unexpected


Bible Teachers, Expect the Unexpected
Bible teachers can sometimes get discouraged or disillusioned when they invest much time and effort into preparing the lesson and then something happens not in the plan.

Perhaps it’s a medical emergency, equipment malfunction, session time extended or cut short for some reason, loud persistent noise coming from somewhere else, an emotional breakdown of a student, and on we could go with examples.

Whatever the disruption or distraction, when the lesson plan gets challenged or changed, the teacher can feel like all is ruined, like nothing of value happened despite all the effort put into preparation.

Two realities go into teaching the Bible that teachers must grasp so the unexpected does not throw them into a tailspin:

  1. Bible teachers must be faithful in preparing the lesson. They must do their best (1 Cor. 10:31) and accurately present God’s Word (2 Tim. 2:15) which takes study time and planning.

Resources to Help:

  1. Bible teachers must trust God to use the unexpected. They must constantly yield to the Spirit as they teach whether proceeding with what has been prepared or dealing with the unexpected. They must learn to send those quick, silent prayers for help to the Lord in the midst of whatever is happening or even stop and pray aloud with the class depending on the situation.

Resources to Help:

We must always remember that God works through us but ultimately the lesson is not dependent on us. God is the One who brings the change and growth in people’s lives (1 Cor. 3:7). Be faithful in preparing but expect the unexpected and view it as an opportunity. Look for how God might be working through it and join Him there.


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