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Criteria for Choosing Bible Teaching Methods


When preparing a Bible lesson, teachers will get to a point where they need to consider methodology. Even those using a pre-fab curriculum need an awareness of how to choose methods as what’s in the lesson plan may not always work well for their particular class or setting.

Top Two Basic Criteria for Choosing Bible Teaching Methods

While other factors do matter, answers to the following questions usually set teachers on the right track.

1) What method(s) best fit my objective?

2) What methods best suit the age I teach?

Click below to read more about methods for the broad age bracket you teach:

Other Relevant Criteria for Choosing Methods

Certainly the above two criteria aren’t the only factors to take into account. But, they are a good starting point. Once teachers find a method that accommodates the above criteria, they can often adapt it to other classroom factors. For example:

  • Finances and available resources might be an issue but you can often make or borrow materials if you don’t currently have the means.
  • Logistics like your room and group size, time, and proximity to other classes enter into the equation but you can often make adjustments like breaking the class into smaller groups, taking turns, relocating for part or all of the session, etc.
  • Openness of students toward different methodology can be increased by slowly introducing changes, figuring out a way to make sharing within a method less threatening, etc.

We would be remiss not to consider a final factor in choosing methodology — the teacher’s skill level. It’s being listed last because that certainly can be remedied through training and practice. The only way to gain experience with different kinds of methods is to use them. We may not be able to change all of the other factors to make a method work but we sure can change ourselves by taking time to learn more.

Resources to help with Bible teaching methodology:

Tips for Choosing & Using Teaching MethodsThe 10 page Tips for Choosing & Using Bible Teaching Methods Worksheet, adapted from the Sharpening Your Bible Teaching Methods Resource, asks questions that help Bible teachers think through 12 factors to take into account when choosing methods. It also provides basic definitions for 57 different methods from which to choose.

The next resource will not only help teachers choose the best Bible teaching methods but also gain an understanding on how to use specific methods:

Sharpening Your Bible Teaching Methods

The 190 page Sharpening Your Bible Teaching Methods Resource not only defines the 57 different methods but also runs each of them through the 12 group factors giving helpful tips to effectively use the methods. In addition, it contains five different charts for a quick overview of what methods work best based on:
– age level (preschool, grade school, teen, adults)
– category (impressional, expressional, group interactive)
– group size (individual, small, mid, large)
– learning objective (knowledge, attitude, behavior)
– time required (under 10 minutes, 10-15, 15-30, 30-60)


4 Replies to “Criteria for Choosing Bible Teaching Methods”

  1. I am student teacher at Yei teacher training center. Could you send me step by step The methods of teaching The Bible.

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