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Low Tech Teaching in a High Tech World? – Methodology


Low-Tech Teaching
In a previous post it was suggested that Bible teachers might need to make improvements in how they teach to effectively use low tech methodology in a high tech world.

Here are some methodology tips to pass on to teachers and training resources that can be used as a starting point.

1. Skillfully use whatever methodology is employed.

In a high tech world, people have grown accustomed to high productive quality. Perhaps your church can’t afford a lot of this kind of technology. Teachers can, however, teach with excellence in whatever methodology they use which will go a long way with today’s students.

Teacher Training Resource: Tips for Choosing & Using Methods Worksheet

2. Employ a variety of methods.

In a high tech world, people have grown accustomed to rapid, ever changing productions. Teachers might not be able to provide a high tech presentation, but they can add lots of variety in the way they teach. The resource listed below gives tips for using 57 different methods and within many of those ideas are variations. The Tips for Choosing & Using Methods Worksheet listed above provides basic definitions for the 57 methods but the Sharpening Your Bible Teaching Methods gets more detailed about how to skillfully use these methods. Bible teachers have little excuse to stick with the same method once presented with the possibilities.

Teacher Training Resource: Sharpening Your Bible Teaching Methods Resource

3. Be creative in exercising even common methodology.

In a high tech world, people have grown accustomed to innovation and expanding of their imaginations. While Bible teachers might not be able compete with this kind of creativity, they can still engage students in ways that keep them interested.

Teacher Training Resource: Turning the Benefits of Creativity into Reality Worksheet

When Bible teachers are trained to teach as just described, they are well on their way to being able to reach students using low tech methodology in a high tech world.


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